Provider Referrals

Your Care Plan. Our Encouragement.

Helping patients follow your prenatal healthcare plan is our primary purpose, so that your patient is at their healthiest during pregnancy and delivers the healthiest baby possible.  Based on your recommended health plan for each patient, MOMS Orange County Nurse Case Managers, Home Visitors, and Health Educators work together to support you and your patient’s healthcare goals.  We offer in-home visits for pregnancy health education and health education group classes.

Happy Baby

Our monthly in-home visits allow us to encourage pregnant patients to adhere to diet and exercise regimens and attend scheduled appointments.  Because we are with patients in their home we are able to screen for and alert you to signs of prenatal health risks. Our home visitors always share the language of your patient allowing us to consistently support your recommendations in the language they are most likely to fully understand.

In our home visitation program, we:

  • Screen for prenatal health risks such as gestational diabetes, signs and symptoms of pre-term labor, and maternal depression
  • Inform you of any potential risks identified during our home visits
  • Encourage your patient to attend all scheduled doctor appointments and immediately communicate health concerns to you
  • Promote adherence to your recommended diet and exercise regimen
  • Offer weekly support calls to any patient with gestational diabetes
  • Provide breastfeeding education and support
  • Assist with community resources
  • Encourage your patient to return for their postpartum check-up

Our health education classes are provided throughout Orange County at sites easily accessible to your patients.  Prenatal classes inform your patients about the importance of prenatal care, proper nutrition, exercise and preparing for childbirth.  Parenting classes provide patients with infant development activities, baby care tips, and education and support for breastfeeding.

For more information, contact Janira Perez, Director, Strategic Program Development at:, or by phone: 714.352.3430